my viewport width is:

Compare devices

Screen metrics


  • JS screen.width:
  • JS screen.height:
  • @media (device-width):
  • @media (device-height):

Pixel ratio

  • CSS pixel-ratio:
  • JS pixel-ratio:


  • Resolution (dpi):
  • Resolution (dppx):
  • Resolution (dpcm):


  • Root font size:
  • Orientation:
  • Device Aspect-Ratio:

My browser features


  • flexbox
  • grid layout
  • grid layout (old)
  • position: sticky
  • regions
  • @supports
  • will-change
  • pointer events
  • calc()
  • viewport units
  • hover media query
  • pointer media query
  • background blend mode
  • background-size: cover
  • object-fit
  • font ligatures
  • appearance
  • filters
  • masks
  • scroll snap points
  • shapes
  • hyphens


  • flash
  • video
  • webgl
  • canvas
  • srcset
  • <picture>
  • inline SVG
  • webp
  • jpegxr
  • geolocation
  • matchmedia()
  • websockets
  • localstorage
  • application cache
  • webworkers
  • serviceworker
  • SVG filters
  • emoji
  • touch events
  • fullscreen API
  • file API
  • gamepad API
  • performance API
  • vibration API
  • speech recognition API
  • battery API
  • ambient light API

User agent


<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Compare devices

Mobile devices, in Responsive Web Design, relate to a core value which is the value of CSS width or ("device-width"), in CSS Device Independant Pixels, which depends both of the browser and user zoom settings.

Choose your weapon :

Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max 1284 2778 428 926 3 458 288
Apple iPhone 12, 12 Pro 1170 2532 390 844 3 460 288
Apple iPhone 12 mini 1125 2436 375 812 3 476 288
Apple iPhone SE (2nd gen) 750 1334 375 667 2 326 192
Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max, XS Max 1242 2688 414 896 3 458 288
Apple iPhone 11, XR 828 1792 414 896 2 326 192
Apple iPhone X, XS, 11 Pro 1125 2436 375 812 3 458 288
Apple iPhone 7, iPhone 8 750 1334 375 667 2 326 192
Apple iPhone 6+, 6S+, 7+, 8+ 1080 1920 414 736 3 401 288
Apple iPhone 6, 6S, SE2 750 1334 375 667 2 326 192
Apple iPhone 5, SE 640 1136 320 568 2 326 192
Apple iPhone 4 640 960 320 480 2 326 192
Apple iPhone 3 320 480 320 480 1 163 96
Apple iPod Touch 640 1136 320 568 2 326 192
LG G5 1440 2560 360 640 4 538 384
LG G4 1440 2560 360 640 4 538 384
LG G3 1440 2560 360 640 4 538 384
LG Optimus G 768 1280 384 640 2 318 192
Samsung Galaxy S8+ 1440 2960 360 740 4 529 384
Samsung Galaxy S8 1440 2960 360 740 4 568 384
Samsung Galaxy S7, S7 edge 1440 2560 360 640 4 534 384
Samsung Galaxy S6 1440 2560 360 640 4 577 384
Samsung Galaxy S5 1080 1920 360 640 3 441 288
Samsung Galaxy S4 1080 1920 360 640 3 441 288
Samsung Galaxy S4 mini 540 960 360 640 1.5 256 144
Samsung Galaxy S3 720 1280 360 640 2 306 192
Samsung Galaxy S3 mini 480 800 320 533 1.5 233 144
Samsung Galaxy S2 480 800 320 533 1.5 217 144
Samsung Galaxy S 480 800 320 533 1.5 233 144
Samsung Galaxy Nexus 720 1200 360 600 2 316 192
Samsung Galaxy Note 8 1440 2960 360 740 4 521 384
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 1440 2560 360 640 4 515 384
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 1080 1920 360 640 3 386 288
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 720 1280 360 640 2 267 192
Samsung Galaxy Note 800 1280 400 640 2 285 192
OnePlus 6 1080 2280 384 783 3 402 288
LG Nexus 5 1080 1920 360 640 3 445 288
LG Nexus 4 768 1280 384 640 2 320 192
Microsoft Lumia 1520 1080 1920 432 768 2.5 367 240
Microsoft Lumia 1020 768 1280 320 480 2.4 332 220
Microsoft Lumia 925 768 1280 320 480 2.4 332 220
Microsoft Lumia 920 768 1280 320 480 2.4 332 220
Microsoft Lumia 900 480 800 320 480 1.5 217 144
Microsoft Lumia 830 720 1280 320 480 2 294 192
Microsoft Lumia 620 480 800 320 480 1.5 252 144
Motorola Nexus 6 1440 2560 412 690 3.5 493 336
HTC One 1080 1920 360 640 3 468 288
HTC 8X 720 1280 320 480 3 341 288
HTC Evo 3D 540 960 360 640 1.5 256 144
Sony Xperia Z3 1080 1920 360 598 3 424 288
Sony Xperia Z 1080 1920 360 640 3 443 288
Sony Xperia S 720 1280 360 640 2 342 192
Sony Xperia P 540 960 360 640 1.5 275 144
Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T 1080 2340 393 775 2.75 409 264
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5, 6 1080 2160 393 739 2.75 403 264
Xiaomi Mi 4 1080 1920 360 640 3 441 288
Xiaomi Mi 3 1080 1920 360 640 3 441 288
Lenovo K900 1080 1920 360 640 3 401 288
Pantech Vega n°6 1080 1920 360 640 3 373 288
Blackberry Leap 720 1280 390 695 2 294 177
Blackberry Passport 1440 1440 504 504 3 453 274
Blackberry Classic 720 720 390 390 1.8 294 177
Blackberry Q10 720 720 346 346 2 328 192
Blackberry Z30 720 1280 360 640 2 295 192
Blackberry Z10 768 1280 384 640 2 355 192
Blackberry Torch 9800 360 480 360 480 1 187 96
ZTE Grand S 1080 1920 360 640 3 441 288
ZTE Open (Firefox OS) 480 720 320 480 1.5 165 144

Reference picture


Responsive reference 320px picture

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